Fire Strategies

At Robson Frankham, we produce tailored fire strategies for all types of buildings, whether new or existing, across various sectors. Our documents align with Building Regulations Parts B1-B5, ensuring comprehensive fire safety solutions.

These documents will utilise recognised guidance documents, such as Approved Document B, BS 9999, BS 9991, HTM 05-02, BB 100, to justify the building arrangements, structural protection, compartmentation, fire safety systems. The strategy will detail how each element of Parts B1-B5 of the Building Regulations have been satisfied and what sections of the relevant guidance document have been followed. Often there will be input from the fire engineer during the early design stages to review and advise where changes can be made to offer compliance with the guidance.

Not all buildings will, or are able to, fully comply with the prescriptive guidance documents. In these situations, fire engineered solutions can be developed using further guidance such as BS 7974, CIBSE Guide E, SCA Guidance. Any solutions not following the prescriptive guidance will need to be discussed and agreed with the approving authorities, so every effort is made to ensure designs are as compliant with the prescriptive guidance as is possible, minimising any fire engineered solutions and any extensions of approval time; this is particularly important when CFD modelling may be required.

Fire strategies are an integral part of the Building Control submission, when designing new buildings or changes to existing buildings, and will often form a significant part of the discussions with approving authorities. This is a document the Fire Service are likely to request on all new buildings, and is something that is expected to be included in Building Safety Cases.